life is a paradox.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

fade to another grey

day by day,
year by year,
time dried these endless tears.

watch this soul,
old and cold,
mindlessly paying its' toll.

swords clash,
nights dash,
as they danced to the moonlight jazz.

let this all fade,
to another grey,
to another day -
cause' it will not stay.

let go and go,
for time will show.
let it glow or slow,
for time... will show.

how did things go out this way?

so yeah, how did it?



Tuesday, May 27, 2008

well, idk.

how many special people change
how many times have you lived it strange
who was there while you were getting high?

someday you will be there,
wonderin' all this time.
have you lived this life or a lie?


a little post for a good morning, going for grad 08' in a while's time.

Ladies and Gentlemen, i dedicate this post to all of you, graduating or not - to remind yourselves to live this life... a meaningful one.


hugs to all who has always been there, and a finger for those who weren't. HEH. kidding lah. =D

Thursday, May 08, 2008


sometimes, you just can't find a word to describe how you feel.

how deep is rock-bottom exactly?

how high is cloud nine?

when its so... much more than that.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

freedom of speech.

seriously, i typed a whole blog post about what i feel about freedom of speech.

it being a responsibility and not a right.

people who say things have to understand that every word has a chance of changing someone's thought, someone's way of life, etc.

it is not a right, to say inaccurate things, or stuff that are utterly unfair.

but yeah, i deleted every single word away.

because i just wanted to say this since the start, and let me get to the point.

"Bloody hell. You get me so shit-ass pissed. Assholes."

Wow, I didn't know a post without swearing was possible even.

haha, I'll elaborate more next time.

For now, !@(*#&.

I shall let it brew, hopefully a dash of hope and love can salvage this pot of hate and destruction.

EDIT: But please, for people who are paranoid that i'm talking about them, please do not worry that i'm not talking about you. if you need assurance, you can msn me and ask and scream at me if u're angry.

but yes, the people its targeted for... won't probably read this. So yeah. =(