life is a paradox.

Saturday, December 31, 2005


Is similing a true manifestation of happiness? Ironic as it can be, I think likewise. Yes, it is, to a very large extent, but dare you say that you never hid your feelings so deep before?

Somehow, people ofthen smile in times, they never felt like smiling.

In times, they instinctively knew that they'll be happier off not smiling.

But how many atimes had your confidate assured you, "Smile, and all would be fine. You'll definitely be happier."

All that surfaced from that goodwill of that special one, might just be another reason to wallow about.

Sometimes, its ironically easy to smile when you're sad, but I think, people would be better expressing what they feel. Yes, it would cause disappointment among your surroundings, but how joyful would your best friends be if they knew you were smiling for the sake of saving them from the trouble to be affected by your dismay about something, and faking your happiness for this case?

I wish that all could be what they want to be, and be happy being so. :)


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