life is a paradox.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

pivotal point.

If I had to say, this would be the pivotal point of my life. Somehow. So much is changing, and I'm very much accepting, for a weird reason. The uncertainity in life is also very much favoured in this point of time, like I'm always someone who screams for closure. But I believe in the phrase,

"The only constant in the world, is change."

Somehow, somewhat, I'm really starting to accept it. Well, that's life I guess.

So what exactly changed?
1)Just woke up at 2.30pm
2)With friends on Christmas
3)Maroon hair
4)New stationary?
5)Getting new pencilcase

Hmmm, not that much what. =\ But I guess its not the quantity of counts, its the quality of somethings that really matters.


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