life is a paradox.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Lost your way?

May the lights guide your path, be it wrong or right... but would you follow?

Too many times, there's this clear path that one can follow to relative success, much easily. Why relative success? Because its probably impossible to define what exactly is success, due to varying views about this.

Yet, how many people actually follow this route paved for them? Like probably get to a good primary sch, get to a relatively good or reputable secondary school, then maybe a decent JC, get on to Uni, get a degree, be a doctor or lawyer or smth.

Well, for my case I guess I dont have the sufficient grey matter, but I believe to a large extent, people just want to try out smth different. There's a part of all of us, that wants to break out of that norm and do smth special, new, and make a breakthrough. Though there are the success cases, so are those who fail to achieve what they wanted, and those who plainly fail terribly.

Why are people so insistent?

"Everyone is unique. But not realising that, they try to prove it through physical, psychological and behavioural means."

But hey, don't you too?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

moments lost.

Can one's life be measured by the moments he has lived? Or the quality of the moments?

Time is split into moments.

Yet, moment loss is not just... time lost.
Hopes, dreams, lifes shattered because of ill-managed moments.
Its much worse, when the moments are robbed from them.

Lets cherish the moments in our life, make them the best it can be, for ourselves and others.

CIP Reflections

After weeks and weeks of CIP, I've learnt to appreciate the art of Internet. The power to create or destroy. Maybe not that serious that it seems, but the implications of the Internet is much more far-reaching than one can ever imagine. News, good or bad, are spread so quickly, with a speed that a wildfire would be proud of. The Internet is such a medium whereby everyone would be able to express their comments freely on. With restriction of speech out of the way, all are more or less able to just say what they feel. Of course, with some exceptions of social issues.

Generally, what covered in this module is deifinitely what I did not expect at all at the point that I chose to come Ngee Ann polytechnic for Business Studies. Of course, what link of Business and Computing can it have? Of course, I found the reason eventually. But the coverage of Dreamweaver, Flash, implications of internet security, have made me understand more about the world. Being not a very IT person, I guess the things covered in the module has been more than sufficient for me. However, I do feel that it would be more beneficial for it to include things like Photoshop-ing applications, because I suppose that would be more of a personal angle.

The hands-on approach would be very appropriate for this module because in the first place it is an application-based issue. Being able to do it had allowed me to understand more, even though it is through trial and error. It gave me the room to make mistakes in the first place, then learn for the mistakes.

The PBLs are set in the way that it made me feel I was really given the task. My group made efforts to check out websites, call up certain companies, and even went down to Sim Ling Square to check out the prices of items. It forced me to understand that things that I had never knew or wanted to know in the first place, and somewhat, I realised that it wasn't that bad of a journey at the end of the day. It being real, the need for more teamwork and work to be done increased to a state that I had never expected it to be, especially when it had always been case-studies or fictional cases in our past projects in other modules.

The lecturers and tutors had offered tremendous aid to my lessons, they offered helpful information and effective feedback to let me understand their perspective. Then, I would ask them about my perspective then we were able to see the issue from both perspectives and strike a balance, ending up with the best way out.

The class size of 40 is pretty okay, just that I felt it is a tad too large. The inevitable disturbance of some students are definitely there, and the size would just encourage them to do so more, due to the fact that the teacher wouldn't be able to control the size of 40, which is doubled the usual of 20.

If there was something that I could change, it would be to allow any form of presentation, to allow creativity in the class. Firstly, it is a business course. Presentation style should be left more flexible, to allow the students to exercise forms of creavtivity in the classrooms.

I appreciate the Word-processing applications, as it aided in my other projects in Business Studies, which required me to do documents or reports. Although CIP might not be directly linked with Business, the fast-paced society have already made it somewhat a pre-requisite that all should be at the very least be able to perform basic skills of the IT aspect.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Cramps, anyone?

Where do you think is the most painful place for a cramp to occur?

-thigh (1)
-hamstring (1)
-lower abdomen (1)
-scrotum# (1)
- stomach cramps before periods*?(1)
-leg^ (1)
-jaws (1)

Heh, I think its the cheeks.

#courtesy of Marvin. (double courtesy by Marvin, for the word too.)
*are we getting out of point?
^by Jenn('s parents) whole leg?