life is a paradox.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

what's in a relationship?

a relationship, defined by is:-

"A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other."

any form of relationship; between friends, kins, loved ones and even your enemies.

it is a form of connection that exists between people, and also about living with the person, someone who is definitely different from you. Different from thoughts, perspectives, attitude, tolerance level and so on.

With such differences, there are bound to be friction. Friction among the two, problems that will arise eventually.

It's not about who's fault is it; it's about somebody giving in.
It's not about who should give in; it's about what magic it will bring.

It's about understanding each other. When one is not in good spirits, one is bound to act/speak/act differently, usually less sensitive and/or less irrationally. Who have not committed such a behaviour? I admit to it personally, and I dare say no one is not guilty of it. But it's not about pointing fingers, it's about understanding that things happen at times, and it's about forgiving each other at the end of the day.

We are all human; we err too.

But the crux is to forgive, then forget.


At 11:38 PM, Blogger Jaclyn Chua said...

understanding, defined by is:-

"A disposition to appreciate or share the feelings and thoughts of others; sympathy."

thanks for always opening up your heart and mind, to accept my shortcomings.

i will try my best too, to understand you as you are.


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