life is a paradox.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Where WE stand.

They once said,
"There is no guitar amplifiers without guitars.
It is not the other way around,
guitars will be very comfortable without amplifiers still."

At that moment,
I knew it in my heart that it didn't mattered.
Not like I could do anything in the first place anyway,
but it is because amplifiers aren't there because of guitars solely.

If they only realized,
it is there for it's people.
It is not there solely for it's root purpose,
for it took on another purpose that those in charge feel right.
It is never there to plainly serve,
it is there to make a change in people's lives.

We're not your fuckin' arms and legs!
We're our consciousness.
Our values.

There is nothing anyone can do to take away this consciousness.
Yes, you can force it down our throats.
But you cannot force it into our hearts.
For what was once a mud field, is now a land where lives flow.

Where WE stand.


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